Primary 7’s World War Two Assembly

On Friday, we presented a fabulous  ‘World War Two Assembly’ to our parents and to the rest of the school. We included scenes from the army including forcing people to sign up and conversations between major leaders in the war (Adolf Hilter, Winston Churchill, Josef Stalin and President Roosevelt).  Additionally, we included drama scenes which included surviving an attack in an Anderson Shelter and what it would of felt like to have been an evacuee. At the end of our assembly,  just to make sure our audience had been listening, we included a quiz about some aspects of war time.


We worked incredibly hard on assembly by recalling accurate major historical events throughout the war, dressing and acting like people would have done back then, with real items such as gas masks and clothing. We are tremendously proud of ourselves for putting in such a super effort to make our assembly amazing.

Thank you for coming to our assembly and making it such a memorable occasion. We were delighted with such positive feedback and we will continue to share our learning with you about World War Two.

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