Dear parents and carers,
It is with mixed emotions that I write this letter to you. You will already know that I have accepted the Acting Head Teacher post at Pumpherston and Uphall Station Community Primary School. The post is Acting, which means my substantive post is as Depute Head Teacher at Mid Calder and I may return in the future. However, for now I would like to thank all the parents and families of our school who have supported me throughout my time at Mid Calder, especially our PSA and Parent Council.
Whilst I am excited about this new venture, it is with a heavy heart that I say goodbye. For the last 3 1/2 years, I have been very proud to be your Depute Head Teacher as our school and nursery have moved from strength to strength. I will miss our staff who work hard everyday to provide the best learning experiences for your children, and with whom I have had lots of laughs with over the years. I would especially like to thank Mrs McKenzie who I have thoroughly enjoyed working with over the last year, both as a colleague and a friend.
Our memories are our greatest treasure and, for me, my greatest memories during my time at MCPS are of your children. We have had so many positive experiences and I hope that I have supported them to ‘believe, achieve and succeed’ and make memories that they will remember in years to come. I know that I leave taking many fond and happy memories from my time with them.
I look forward to keeping up with your adventures on our school blog and twitter.
Kind regards,
Miss Burton