P4B’s Terrific Tiling

In maths this week, P4b have been developing their understanding of tiling and tessellation.
We have taken part in a range of practical, written and digital activities to explore how different shapes fit together to make different tiling patterns.
In class, we used digital technologies to research tiling in a real life context and to create a Word document showing different examples of tiling patterns. We were also able to explore how different 2D shapes fit together using our class SMARTboard and different tiling games.

As it is Education Scotland’s National Digital Learning Week, P4b have continued to use digital technologies to enhance and support their learning across the curriculum.

In technologies we have continued to develop our knowledge and understanding of the language of programming.

In literacy we have used online search engines to research letters of invitation and have also used Sumdog to develop our reading skills.

The Technical Troopers also came to P4B to lead a lesson on the Forms glow tool. This is a fantastic tool that the children have loved learning about. Some pupils have even made their own Forms Quiz at home since having this lesson.


One thought on “P4B’s Terrific Tiling”

  1. Wow P4! You have really embraced digital learning week learning about different ways to use technologies to support your learning. Which one did you find the post useful?

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