Probability in P5B

Learning Intention: We are learning to talk about how likely something is to happen and can order events on a simple probability scale

  • I can talk about how likely something is to happen using a wide range of vocabulary
  • I can order events on a simple probability scale
  • I can create my own simple probability scale and place events on this

In maths this week, P5B were learning all about probability. We focused on the key vocabulary of the topic, using words such as certain, good chance, even chance, unlikely and impossible to describe different events. We found it more difficult than we thought we would to think of examples that were impossible, although we were pretty sure that none of us would be eaten by a dragon our way home from school!

We had to order given events on a probability scale, as well as adding our own examples. There was lots of rich discussion going on as some of us had very different answers to certain statements based on our likes and dislikes and our lifestyle habits. We also took part in a probability Sumdog challenge. We look forward to learning more about chance and uncertainty, unless we were all eaten by dragons after all!

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