P7 Term 4 Learning Letter

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 4 in Primary 7. In this last term the children are looking forward to planning and developing their knowledge and understanding of outdoors within their topic ‘How Does Your Garden Grow’. Exciting and challenging lessons and activities will be completed by the pupils, using the context of our own playground and surrounding areas.  If any parents or carers would like to donate their time or materials to help with our topic we would very much appreciate it.  We are excited about P7 Leavers’ activities. P7s have also started handing over responsible roles to the P6 pupils.

Dates for up and coming events:

P7 & P6 Topic trip date to be confirmed

9th May: P7 Parent’s Evening                                                      18th May: Reading Curriculum Evening

11th May:  Parent’s Sex Education Evening at 5pm.                          Transition dates for WCHS and JYHS

26th June: P7 Leavers Assembly                                                             29th June: P7 Leavers’ Party

Learning Letter P7 Term 4 (3)

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