P5a Maths

P5a Maths

Learning Intention:

We are learning to display information in frequency tables and bar charts and understand the impact of scale on these

Success Criteria:

  • I can ask and answer questions about information displayed in frequency tables and bar graphs
  • I understand the impact of scale on pictograms and bar graphs and can use this to make sensible choices about what scale to use
  • I can create my own pictogram or bar graph choosing an appropriate scale, labels for axes and title
  • I can ask and answer questions about bar line graphs

As part of our IDL topic on Natural Disasters, we have been learning about different ways of displaying data and how to interpret information shown on charts and graphs.

We looked at a selection of graphs and answered questions about the data displayed on them. We then surveyed our class and created our own graphs. When we could confidently do this, we looked at data about volcanic eruptions around the world and created bar graphs to show the number of deaths caused by these.  As we were working with large numbers we had to adjust the scale of our graphs accordingly to ensure they were accurate and that they would fit on the page! Next we will be learning how to create pie charts and line graphs.

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