Learning Letter P6/7

Dear Parent/Carer,
Welcome to Term 3 in Primary 7/6. Last term we held an amazing show, ‘Alice in Wonderland’. All of the children were very
excited about this and our final show was amazing. Thank you for all of your help towards making this special for the children. We can’t wait to go and see ‘Alice the Musical’ performed at the Playhouse shortly. This term the children are looking forward to learning about democracy and how society works, this will accumulate in class elections and each class will have a class president. P7 have started some transition work with Dr Cherry from W.C.H.S where they have been learning some technical drawing skills and will shortly visiting the High School to make a spatula.
Dates for up and coming events:
Wednesday 25th January – ‘Alice the Musical’
Monday 21st February – Visit to Scottish Parliament
Monday 6th March P7 – The Risk Factory


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