Building Snow Castles in P2/1

Einartas had a great idea to go outside and build snow castles as part of our Castles interdisciplinary learning. Some of decided to work on our own, in pairs, in small groups and in larger groups. We had to use items that we found to create a castle. Some us added a flag created a moat and made turrets as we had been learning about the features of a castle in class. As a group we explained to the rest of the class the features of our castle and how we made it.

 We are learning to write a description of our ice castle.

  • I can describe what the castle looked like using wow words.
  • I can use sentences to describe the castle.
  • I can use capital letters and full stops.

When we went back in our class we talked to our learning partner about what our castle looked like. Then we wrote a description of our castle. We realised that we were so excited we forgot to add in wow words so during our buddy time, our buddy’s helped us to uplevel our writing  by using wow words.


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