On Friday, P5B presented our love of books and reading in our class assembly. We also shared the reading skills we have been developing through our IDL context for learning, George’s Marvellous Medicine.
We have been learning to ask and answer a range of questions about a text. We looked at what makes a quality question and know that it has to make someone think hard about a text. We wrote a set of questions about the first two chapters of the book, then tested our partners on them.
We have been learning to use clues from a text to make realistic predictions. We used these skills to write chapter 7 of George’s Marvellous Medicine, which we then shared with our Grandparents at our Novel Natters session.
We have been learning to use key words and phrases from a text to create images in our mind. This week, we had to select the words and phrases that the author uses when he described what happened when Grandma took the medicine and discuss how these stimulated our senses and helped us to visualise the scene.
Book Week Scotland
Here are some of the ways we celebrated Book Week Scotland: