Novel Natters with Nana and Papa

Yesterday, Primary 4 and 5 invited our Nanas, Papas and relatives of the older generation into school to join us for a Novel Natters session. We read a piece of our own writing linked to our IDL context for learning, George’s Marvellous Medicine. We had been asked to use our prediction skills to write chapter 7 of the book, using clues from the text and our knowledge of the author’s style to help us to make a realistic continuation of the story.

Our Grandparents gave us ‘Nana’s Notions and Papa’s Praise’ feedback, sharing what they thought we had done well in our prediction, what their favourite part was and ideas of how we could have made our piece even better. They even gave us a star rating.

We absolutely loved our Novel Natters session, so a big thank you to all those who attended. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

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