West Lothian Sumdog Maths Competition

This week, some of our classes took part in a maths competition on Sumdog, competing against other school across West Lothian. Mid Calder Primary School has a history of doing very well in Sumdog contests, and this one was no exception.

Primary 4B were the overall winners for the whole of West Lothian, with Primary 5B coming in 2nd place. P4B will have will have a photocall in a local paper, with a Local Authority representative and a member of the Sumdog Team.


We also had 6 pupils who appeared in the top 50:

Kai (P4B) – 22rd
Jamie (P5A)- 24th
Oliver (P4B)- 33rd
Lewis (P5B)- 42nd
Ruari (P4B)- 43rd
Niamh (P4B)- 49th


As we know, it is very important to be accurate on Sumdog, and P5B and P4B were also daily winners over the week long competition.


A huge well done to all those who took part!

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