Nursery Term 2 Learning Letter

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 2 in Mid Calder Nursery. We had a busy first term, getting to know each other and making new friends. The children created their own pizza shop, ‘Pizza World’. They managed the shop, took orders, made menus and even cooked their own pizzas. We hope you all enjoyed them!  We enjoyed our Autumn walk to Calder Wood. It was exciting to watch the children learn in the local environment and fantastic for the staff to observe the knowledge the children shared about their surrounding area. This term the children are continuing to show an interest in the building of our new nursery. We will build on this topic and plan our learning from the ideas of the children.

Nursery Staff

Nursery Learning Letter

One thought on “Nursery Term 2 Learning Letter”

  1. Archie loved making the pizzas and carried on the task at home pretending to be the waiter and taking our orders! He also loved going on the Autumn walk!

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