Nursery Money

  • I can recognise the value of coins.
  • I can pay for items using coins in play and real life contexts.

This week in the nursery we have been learning more about money. We talked about what we already knew about money: –

Hannah told us “We buy cat food with money.”

Charlotte “buys toys from Toys r Us” and Connor knew that “we use money for snack.” Finlay  was able to tell the other children that a £1 coin was the same as 100 pennies!

We played the dino game on Education City and managed to match the coin to place in the piggy bank. The children also came to Mrs Murray’s restaurant and paid for their pasta snack with real pennies. We spoke about the coins they chose and some children could identify them.

Well done nursery boys and girls!


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One thought on “Nursery Money”

  1. Well done boys and girls! It looks like you have been busy recognising different types of coins and how we use money to buy things.

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