Learning intention:
We are learning how to solve money problems
We are learning how to record our working accurately
To mark West Lothian’s money week, P5A and P5B took part in a bug related money challenge. We had to help Bluey the Bug to find his way through a money maze so that he got the highest amount of money possible.
We were given a few hints and tips along the way, and had to record our route and the money Bluey had gained/lost accurately as we progressed through the maze. We had fun exploring the maze, and were challenged when having to calculate the different amounts and add or subtract this from our total.
Across the two classes, the highest amount we managed to get Bluey was £680. Can you find a way help him to get a higher amount?
Well done Primary 5. I loved working with you on this challenge. I was very impressed with your money skills and also the way you laid out your recordings. Super work.
Mrs Murray
That task was fun. We did it in partners but it was hard to keep up with my partner! I was inclusive.