Primary 4A – Science

LI : We are learning to write a report based on the findings of our experiment.


  • I can describe the experiment in order.
  • I can write a conclusion of what happened to my plant and why.
  • I can highlight what plants need to survive.

As part of  learning about the rainforest in our topic of Crazy Climates, we researched what makes plants grow well. In an experiment with three plants, we put one plant in a dark cupboard, we put a plant in a cold place and we didn’t give a plant any water for a week. During the week, we observed how the plant changed in all three places. We reported back on how all of the plants had changed in a presentation, in which included other top tips for helping plants grow. The plant in the dark had still grown because it had water, however the flowers had become darker. The leaves of the plant beside the window had started to shrivel up and the plant in a cold place was beginning to smell and die off.

We concluded that the basic ingredients of sunlight, soil and enough water keeps most plants alive. We have also heard that plants like classic music….this experiment is still to be tried and tested.

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