September Newsletter 2016

Dear Parent/Carer

We have had a very good start to the new term and the children seem very settled in their new classes. The new Primary 1 children have already conquered the school routine for coming in with Mrs Smith and Mrs George having lovely quiet classes to begin the day. The new staff members, including myself, are getting to know the school, the children and each other. I feel it is of extreme importance that we all work together, get to know each other as a school community and build upon the previous good work that has been achieved in our school. I do look forward to meeting parents at our ‘meet the teacher’ evening and hope that we will build strong links to ensure our children are at the forefront of everything we do.

The children have been looking at the school values, with each class taking one value and looking closely at what it means for us in our school. They will present to each other at our assembly this week so everyone will be aware of what the values mean to the children and staff and that these are the values we will live and learn by.

I have high expectations of what I believe our children can achieve and having spent a lot of time in classes over the first few days I believe the children have high aspirations of what they can achieve. I thought I would share a poem with you and maybe you can help them on the way.                                                                                                                                                          Mary McKenzie

A Child

You have many talents,
of that I am sure.
Your dreams are beautiful,
innocent and pure.

Use your imagination,
to learn and explore.
Just like a bird,
you’ll be able to soar.

You’re still very young,
and some have much ahead.
Your love for life
may you joyously spread.

The paths that you choose,
I’ll support and believe.
If you commit in your mind,
you shall definitely achieve

Remember to smile,
each morning and day.
Feed your mind with books,
and body through play.

Don’t pay attention,
to trends or mere fashions.
Use your heart and imagination,
to follow dreams and your passions.

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