Measuring fun in the sun!

We are learning to compare and order measurements of different objects-MNU 1-11a.

In P3 this week, we have been learning about different types of measurement.

We started by getting into groups and brainstorming creative ideas for things that are heavier than a hippo, smaller than your fingernail, longer than a football pitch and lighter than a sandwich.

We came up with some great ideas!

“4,000 pieces of paper stuck together”- Georgia.

“A speck of dust”- Adam.

Then, we learned more about length, weight and capacity and the different measuring tools you can use to measure. We found out more about length, weight and capacity and the metric system that is used to record measurements.

When learning about length in real life, we went outside and recorded the length of different objects and distances within our school playgrounds and trim trail. We used rulers, metre sticks, measuring tapes and trundle wheels to record in millimetres (mm), centimetres (cm) and metres (m).

When finding out more about weight, we measured in grams (g) and kilograms (kg) and used different scales. We recorded the weight of books, pencil cases and even our own bodies!

Finally, within groups, we measured in millilitres (ml) and litres (l) to find out more about capacity. We had a speed challenge to see which group could fill their container quickest with water. We discussed why certain containers filled quicker and what would make it a fair challenge.

“If the containers were all the same size”- Oliver.

“If we could all use cups to collect the water”- Nathan.

“We would all have to be the same distance from the tap”- Theo.

Before we went to lunch, we had to complete a ‘bus pass’ of information on measurement to get out and onto the bus for lunch.

We have really enjoyed learning about measure and discussing how it is real and meaningful in our own lives.



One thought on “Measuring fun in the sun!”

  1. Excellent P3 – measure is so important in our lives. I used measure this evening when cooking my dinner. I had to measure out the ingredients for my spaghetti bolognese.

    When have you used measure today?

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