Reading and Writing Non-Fiction Books with P3/2

What an exciting few weeks the children have had in P3/2 – We have been researching and writing our own non-fiction books LI. We are learning to write a non-fiction book.

In Reading – We were learning over a six week period;

  • About the features of a non-fiction book.
  • To consider how non-fiction books differ from fiction books.
  • To discuss the difference between fact and fiction

How – lots of different opportunities were experienced to ‘hook’ us in e.g.

  • I can share two new facts/information I have learned from my non-fiction book
  • I can make questions to find the answers
  • I can find the answers to others questions


In reading groups appoint facilitator and resource manager

Give out white boards and pens

In groups the facilitator chose people in turn to share two facts they had learned and then invited questions from the group.

What are good question starters? What, where when how who is etc…

Next they had to generate three questions that you might find the answer to in their text. Mrs Allsopp modelled outloud her thinking giving an example from each text.

They then gave their questions to another group to find the answers!


In writing we were able to then generate our own success criteria having thoroughly researched the ‘common’ features of non-fiction texts.

  • I can identify the success criteria for my book
  • I can write three chapters – each chapter must share three new facts.
  • I can include a picture, and/or diagram
  • I can include an index , contents, glossary
  • I can include a Front and back cover with a title and blurb

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Now that we had completed the research we were ready to make our own books.

The success criteria were referred to throughout the process.

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When the books were complete the children had to write a book review on each other’s…a lot of feedback and discussion was had.


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Finally our books have been displayed for anyone to have a read and learn!

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