Have you been Making Maths Meaningful?

In P3 this year, we decided to do our class assembly on Maths and in particular focus on how we make maths meaningful within class and in our own lives at home.

Over the last term in Maths, we have been learning about multiplication and division. Through grouping and sharing activities, making and finding arrays and then looking at multiplication and division calculations, we have been developing our knowledge and understanding of the links between these operations.

To make it real within our own lives, we went on an array search within our homes to find different array patterns. Some of us went on an array search within school. It was great fun!

In order to help us develop our mathematical language and talk about different strategies we use to solve calculations and worded problems, we have loved doing number talks. We get to share with our peers ‘what we see’ and ‘how we see it’. Sometimes Miss Kerr visualises what we see and sometimes we do. We also get to apply what we talk about in number talks to solve mild, spicy and hot calculations within mental maths.

So we continue to make maths meaningful in our lives, currently learning about analogue and digital clock times and using time in school and at home.

How are you making your maths meaningful in your lives right now?

Enjoy our video and Maths song to remind you why maths is fun and meaningful!

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