Cosmos Planetarium


Today Primary 1, P4, P5/4 and P5 had a very exciting visit from Cosmos Planetarium, a state of the art, 360° theatre experience. We were transported on a journey through the solar system and beyond – from flying through Saturn’s rings to diving into Jupiter’s icy moon, Europa, to search it’s vast ocean for signs of life. We learned about the first moon landing, as well as what life might be like on the moon in future. We took a virtual tour of the International Space Station and were able to share our knowledge of Tim Peake from the biographies we wrote about his life and experiences last week.

In the Middle Area, we have been working in teams to create a planet fact file, and we were excited to use our new knowledge from our Cosmo Planetarium experience to help us. We also used our own devices, as well as the school’s netbooks and iPads, to research the key features of each planet. We will use ICT to bring our research together to create a group fact file about our Solar System.

3 thoughts on “Cosmos Planetarium”

  1. That was really interesting because I learnt things I thought i’d ever learn about Space! For example, I now know that the ring around Saturn is made of ice.

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