Primary 6 investigate negative numbers

This term we have been learning about negative numbers through our Number Talks sessions and linking them to our daily mental maths.

LI:  We are learning to count forwards and backwards on a negative number line

SC:  I can identify zero as a place holder

I can count forwards and back from zero

I can identify number patterns within negative numbers

We completed lots of Number Talks to gain a good understanding of numbers below zero and linked our learning to real life situations, for example, when reading temperature gauges.

We then used our knowledge to place ourselves in a human number line along our classroom wall and practiced counting forwards and backwards. Then we up levelled the challenge to count forwards and back in 2s, 5s and 10s starting at different places along the line.image image

One thought on “Primary 6 investigate negative numbers”

  1. It sounds like you have been learning about negative numbers in a range of exciting ways. When would you use negative numbers in a real life situation?

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