West Lothian Schools Burns Festival 2016

Following our school Burns Competition, Lexie (P4), Cailin (P5), Luca (P6) and Abby (P7) were selected by our panel of judges to represent our school at the West Lothian Schools Festival 2016.

Tonight the four pupils attended the competitions at St. Kentigern’s Academy and recited their poems to the judges from Fauldhouse and Crofthead Burns Club and to an audience of guests from all across West Lothian.

Abby received the award for best verse speaking in the Primary 6/7 category. She received a Burns Trophy and an individual trophy. She will now be invited along to the National Burns Competition.

A huge well done to the pupils who confidently represented our school at this competition, and to their parents and teachers for supporting them.





4 thoughts on “West Lothian Schools Burns Festival 2016”

  1. Well done to you all – fantastic achievements 🙂 And Abby that’s fantastic – what a star!!

  2. It was a brilliant night, all the children did amazingly and should be very proud. Good Luck to Abby in the next round!

  3. well done Abby we are all so proud of you.
    and were all proud of everyone who took part in the burns competition 🙂 :p

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