What is happening in our Nursery?

Having our scones.
Having our scones.

Mrs B's camera 098

This week some of the morning group visited the local cafe in the village.  We wanted to find out what we could serve in our Willow Tea Room in the nursery. We all walked down wearing safety jackets. “On the way we spotted numbers on people’s doors, 15,16,17,18, 19,20″ said Imogen. Carlie said, ” We held hands to cross the road and used good listening ears and looked left and right to cross safely.” “In the cafe we all sat at the tables and looked at the menu,” I had a scone and apple juice,” said Rocco.  Amelia-Jo said, “We paid money.” We had a super time, learning lots on the journey and experiencing a visit to a cafe.

One thought on “What is happening in our Nursery?”

  1. You have been extremely busy. Thank you to everyone at the Community Cafe for a lovely welcome. Your nursery tea room was very busy on Friday. I hope your parents/carers enjoy their visit to the nursery this week.

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