Internet safety Day in Primary 1b

LI: We are learning about sharing information safely online.

SC: I can identify information which is safe to share online.

SC: I can identify information which is not safe to share online.

To celebrate Internet Safety Day, Primary 1b have been exploring how to stay safe online. We watched a very interesting cartoon called ‘Hector’s World’ which helped us to understand what types of personal information are safe or not safe to share online. After watching and discussing the cartoon, we demonstrated what we had learned through an activity. Brandon held up a ‘yes’ sign, and Finlay held up a ‘no’ sign. The children had to respond to the following questions by running to the correct sign.

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Is it safe to share your name online or with a stranger?

The children all answered ‘no’.

Is it safe to share your age online or with a stranger?

The children all answered ‘no’.

Is it safe to share your address online or with a stranger?

The children all answered ‘no’.

Is it safe to share your school online or with a stranger?

The children all answered ‘no’.

Is it safe to share a nickname online?

The children all answered ‘yes’.

Is it safe to share your name, age, address or school with an adult that you know and trust?

The children all answered ‘yes’.

We all agreed that the only information we would share online would be a nickname. To help us remember, we worked in pairs to create silly nicknames for each other.

Can you guess whose nicknames these are?













One thought on “Internet safety Day in Primary 1b”

  1. Captainsparkles882 might be Evie’s and Danielbaniel201668 I’m going to guess is Daniels.
    Looks like everyone had so much fun learning today.

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