Dear Parent/Carer,
Nursery is in full swing after the Christmas break. We would like to welcome our new student from West Lothian College, Caren Hay who will be with us on a Monday and Tuesday until 10th May.
The Care Inspectorate visited the nursery last Monday and we are delighted to inform you that the findings were very positive. We will provide you with further information when the report is published.
As part of developing your child’s health and well-being we are working hard with all children to develop their self-help skills such as wiping their own noses and changing their own shoes and coats. Well done to those who have mastered these already and would ask that you continue to encourage your child to develop these key skills at home. On a side note we would be very grateful if you could encourage your child to leave their toys at home unless they have a special reason to show and tell. Thanks in advance for your support.
Fiona Barber
Nursery Teacher