We are learning to make and display equal groups in different ways and write number sentences about them. MNU 1-03a
In P3, we have been learning about arrays. We know that they are arrangements of objects/pictures in equal rows and columns. Arrays help us visually see what an equal group looks like so as we can apply it to remembering multiplication sentences.
We have been getting into human arrays outside, finding arrays within our homes and classroom and making arrays within Maths.
We started by making equal groups of objects and counting how many we had altogether e.g. drawing flowers with different petals and aliens with different body parts. Through making arrays out of counters, play-doh, squared grids and gameboard actvities, we are continuing to develop our knowledge of arrays and our recognition of multiplication sentences. Have a look at some of our learning from in class below…
Wow! That all looks fantastic! Well done primary 3 @ Mid Calder!