Mid Calder celebrate Burns in braw style!

On Friday 22nd January, Mid Calder Primary participated in their annual Burns/Scots poetry celebration.

Pupils from Nursery, right through to Primary Seven, we asked to develop their knowledge and understanding of Scots language by learning a selection of poems.  Each class selected two representatives who then recited their chosen poems to the whole school community.

Mr MacFarlane, Mrs Bokhari and Mrs Ross were asked to judge the participants- the winners of each stage from P4-7 will represent the school at the West Lothian recital competition.  Thank-you to Mr MacFarlane and Mrs Bokhari for their excellent judging skills.

Many thanks to the Vice Captains for compering the morning and welcoming our visitors into school.

A huge thank-you to the parents and carers who came along to show their support during the morning.  Also a huge thank-you to all of the parents and carers from the school community who helped prepare poems with all of our learners at home.  The level of commitment and effort when learning these difficult pieces of text, was phenomenal.

Well done to the girls from Primary 5 and Primary 7 who were keen to share their skills and talents in Highland dancing.  What a fantastic performance!

All of the pupils and staff members participated in preparations for the assembly with enthusiasm and dedication – another example of successful learning in Mid Calder Primary School!IMG_0999 IMG_1001 IMG_1023IMG_1065 IMG_1066IMG_1056 IMG_1057IMG_1052 IMG_1053 IMG_1054 IMG_1064IMG_1058 IMG_1059 IMG_1060 IMG_1063IMG_1061 IMG_1062 IMG_1073 IMG_1074 IMG_1075 IMG_1076IMG_1077 IMG_1078 IMG_1079 IMG_1080IMG_1070 IMG_1072 IMG_1082

8 thoughts on “Mid Calder celebrate Burns in braw style!”

  1. It was fantastic to see the pupils recite their poems, showcase highland dancing and sing their Scottish songs-amazing job by all! Thank you for inviting us along to see the poetry finalists perform. The links to the poems provided on the blog made it really easy for Pamela to practise it all herself so thank you for that too!

  2. I loved watching everybody doing their poems. I also liked how me,Kiera,Sophie,Erin and Bethan doing our dance.I also liked watching Ellie and Charlie doing there dance. I can’t wait until the next Robert Burns assembly. 🙂

  3. Congrats to everyone who won and also to the people that tried thier best in learning threre poem.and well done to the highland dancer you were fab. And thank you all the vice capitals,Emilie,Andrew,Callum and Jamie u were fantastic presenters

  4. Well done to all the poets who got to say their poems in front of the whole entire school,as well as the highland dancers! 🙂

  5. Doing the highland dance was quite scary but really fun. I was quite nervous when we had to perform it front of the Mums and Dads and the entire school! But at least we did it. Can’t wait for the next Robert Burns assembly! 🙂

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