P.5/4’s Spectacular and Super Settings

Over the last couple of weeks P.5/4 have been studying the novel ‘Storm’ by Kevin Crossley-Holland. Here is what we have learned this week.

Learning intention: We are learning to understand how authors use settings to create different feelings or moods.

Success Criteria: I can draw the setting from ‘Storm’ using evidence from the text.

I can use interesting and ambitious vocabulary to describe the marsh.


Firstly, we practised finding evidence in the text to support our ideas.

Then, we looked for information about the setting in the text.

Next, we chose whether to draw our setting in winter or summer. We then spent time drawing whilst looking back at the text to help us.

Finally, we wrote WOW words to describe our setting and then up-levelled these using a thesaurus.


“I thought it was really fun because I enjoy drawing.” (Lewis)

“I enjoyed reading the story because I like looking at the illustrator’s pictures of the setting.” (Erin)

“I really liked how the author described the ghost and the marsh.” (Owen)

“I found it fun working in pairs when we used a thesaurus.” (Eloise)



2 thoughts on “P.5/4’s Spectacular and Super Settings”

  1. It’s good to see how you are engaging with the writing process and having the opportunity to up-level your work.

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