P1a Toyshop

This week we have been shopping in the Toyshop.

LI    We are learning to use coins to buy things

SC    I can say how much each item costs                                                                                                                      I can choose the correct coins to pay for the things I buy

There are lots of things to buy in the toyshop. We choose what we would like and put it into our

shopping basket.

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The shopkeeper checks the price and tells us how much we need to pay. We look in the purse and choose the coins we need. The shopkeeper puts the money in the till.                                                         We are using real coins  to do our shopping!


Einartas – ‘You need money to buy the car. That’s my favourite.’

Aidan – ‘At the shop I bought an aeroplane and a car. The shopkeeper said it was 6p, so I counted out six 1p coins.’

Naomi – ‘You need 10p to buy the doll and the dinosaur.’

Daisy – ‘I went to the shop and I bought a dolly and a toy giraffe. It cost 2p and 3p, so that was 5p altogether.’

One thought on “P1a Toyshop”

  1. Your Toy Shop is as busy as Toys R Us! I was impressed with your manners and customer care when you were playing in the shop as well as your mathematics skills to calculate the total cost of items as well as work out which coins you need to pay for items.

    Can you set up a shop at home and play using these skills with someone at home?

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