Primary Two visit Linlithgow Palace

On Monday 16th November Primary Two visited Linlithgow Palace. We had a wonderful time and learned lots about how people lived in the past. Our day began with a tour of the palace from the P7’s from Linlithgow Primary. We really enjoyed playing the games and learnt about Mary Queen of Scots who was born there. After our lunch we did some exciting outdoor activities with the park rangers. We learnt about how people might have got food and water to the palace and how walls were made from sticks and mud. Mr Nelson and Primary Two would like to thank all the helpers who came along and made this trip such a success.

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One thought on “Primary Two visit Linlithgow Palace”

  1. A very exciting trip which links to your class topic. Would any of you like to be a tour guide link the pupils from Linlithgow PS?
    Would you have liked to have lived in the palace? Why/ why not?

    A huge thank you to the staff for organising this trip and for all the parent helpers who went on the trip.

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