Rainforests in a Bottle

Learning Intention: We are learning to write a set of instructions for a rainforest in a bottle

Success Criteria:
I can use the key features of instructions including:

-a title
-an introduction
– a list of equipment needed
– short, clear and easily understandable steps
-numbered steps
-a picture/diagram
I can use commas correctly to separate items in a list
I can use connectives to show the order of events

In our writing lesson this week, Primary 5 were learning to write a set of instructions about how to make a rainforest in a bottle. We watched a video to help us, then we used the information we had learned to make an example as a class. We then felt ready to write out our instructions.

During our sharing the learning afternoon, we used those instructions to make our own rainforest in the bottle with our family members. To share our learning, we had also created rainforest quizzes on the computer that our guests had to complete, we had a rainforest themed money challenge and we had made krispie cakes as a treat because cocoa beans that are used to make chocolate can be found in the rainforest.

“I loved making a rainforest in a bottle with my Mum. It was fun and educational to make.” said Ryan.

“I liked when my Mum got most of the answers right in my quiz. She got my trick question wrong!” added Joe.

“I loved showing my Mum around our class, especially the quiz because she didn’t know that gum came from the rainforest and it was cool to teach my Mum something new” said Kiera.

“I loved it when we did the money challenge where we had to spell words from the rainforest and find out how much they cost. My Mum got on quite well.” said Katie.

“I liked making the rainforest in a bottle with my family and i think we should do something like this again” added Amy.

2 thoughts on “Rainforests in a Bottle”

  1. I loved making a rainforest in a bottle with my mum. It turned out the way I wanted it to look from the beginning. I REALLY want to make another one. Really enjoyed the open day. I LLLOOOVVVEEEDDD the cornflake cakes,I’m going to make some at my house really soon. 🙂

  2. What a fantastic idea for writing in a real life context. You all looked like you were having fun making your rainforest in a bottle with your parents.

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