Story Maps are happening in P3/2

What excitment is happening with our |IDL context and story writing. The last few weeks have seen P3/2 look at a selection of traditional tales. The focus has been;

LIT 1.26a & 1.07a

We are learning to recognise the elements used to create traditional fairy tales

  • I can sequence events from a traditional fairy tale – Little Red Riding Hood.
  • I can identify the beginning, middle and end.
  • I can listen to and respond to questions.

First we looked at a selection of story maps and identified what we felt made them successful

Success Criteria; (a Sory map should have)

  • A sequence – beginning, middle and end
  • Characters – major and minor
  • Pictures or illustrations
  • Writing that supports the pictures to tell a story
  • Directions – as we don’t want to get lost! – a path or foot prints
  • May have speech and/or thought bubbles

Next we created a class ‘story map’ using the story of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ as a stimulus. All the children were invovled in creating our master piece…please see below

P3/2 Story Map of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’


Next Steps:

We will make our own story maps of the story ‘The Three Little Pigs’

One thought on “Story Maps are happening in P3/2”

  1. A very impressive story plan Primary 3/2. It certainly met all of your success criteria. I look forward to you applying this learning to make your own story map. Perhaps some of you may wish to share your maps with the nursery who have been looking at traditional tales too.

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