P1b Materials Hunt

LI: We are learning about materials.

SC: I can describe and compare different materials, including plastic, paper, metal and fabric.

SC: I can group everyday objects by material and explain my decisions.

This week Primary 1b have been learning about different materials. We began by exploring a variety of different materials and discussing how each one looks and feels. Then the children applied what they learned to a ‘materials hunt’. In four teams, they searched around the classroom for everyday objects made of plastic, paper, metal and fabric. The children grouped the objects by material, and were great at justifying their decisions. For example, Rory explained that he thought a 5 pence coin was made of metal because it was hard and shiny. Brandon also explained that a teddy bear he found in the classroom was fabric because it was soft and fluffy.

We are now applying what we learned about materials to help us design and create a castle for our classroom.

One thought on “P1b Materials Hunt”

  1. Great science investigation, P1! I’m impressed that you have been able to justify your answers- a very important part of science reporting. I look forward to seeing your use of different materials to create your castle, maybe I’ll be invited for tea at the palace? 🙂
    Mrs Stewart.

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