P3 trip to the Transport Museum

P3 had a fantastic day at the Transport Museum in Glasgow last week. It was an opportunity to see some of the types of transport we had been learning about in class, but also to learn more from the displays and work shop. We loved walking down Main Street and visiting the old shops. We also enjoyed ‘Saddlers’. Because there were so many horses used for transport many years ago, they needed a shop all to themselves.  It’s a bit like a petrol station or garage now a days! The subway was very noisy and the rats were everywhere. The Tall Ship was fantastic. The children scrubbed the decks, rang the bell and even jumped in to one of the bunk beds!! We finished off the day with an interesting workshop with Lucy. She showed us a real life penny farthing and told us more about Percy Pilcher and his attempts at flying! What a brilliant day, we would love to go back again soon!



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One thought on “P3 trip to the Transport Museum”

  1. You look like you have enjoyed your day P3 and that your visit to the Transport Museum has added another dimension to your transport topic.

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