Responsible Roles: Playful Pals

In preparation for the Responsible Roles that they will be taking on when they return as Primary 7s next session, some of the Primary 6 pupils have been learning how to be good playground games leaders today. Mrs Keogh, our Active Schools Coordinator, delivered a training session to teach the Playful Pals how to be a good playground buddy and to lead a variety of games with confidence. The P6s involved had an opportunity to try out some of their new skills with their peers and are looking forward to showing the rest of the school what great Playful Pals they can be in August.

2 thoughts on “Responsible Roles: Playful Pals”

  1. Fantastic Primary 6! It looks like you had a really interesting afternoon, I am looking forward to seeing you share your new skills and knowledge with the rest of the school and your P1 buddies.

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