West Lothian Track and Field Competition

Today, 13 Primary 7 pupils represented Mid Calder Primary at West Lothian’s first Primary Track and Field event….and boy did they set a high standard for next year! Alix Fairley won both the long jump AND the shot putt events for the girls, and the girls relay team also came in first place, making Mid Calder the fastest relay team out of all of the 17 schools that took part. All 13 children were a credit to the school and themselves, showing each other fantastic support and good sportsmanship….despite the rain and hail that they had to compete in. Well done to all who were involved. Another fantastic achievement for Primary 7 this week.





5 thoughts on “West Lothian Track and Field Competition”

  1. Congratulations Primary 7! A lot of excellent sporting achievements … it has been a busy week for you guys! I love the photos. A big thank you to Miss Sherlow and Mrs Mitchell for helping to organise this outing. 🙂

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