P7 – Learning Logs

LI. I am learning to create, adapt and sustain different roles, experimenting with movement, expression.
I am learning to use the experience of drama by discussing my thoughts and feelings. I can give and accept constructive comment on my own and others’ work.
SC: We can take on a variety of roles and experiment with movement and voice. EXA 2-12a

This week the p6 and p7s have been rehearsing the upcoming play, The Pirates Of The Curry Bean. We have all been rehersng our lines at home and in school, because we are all commited to performing a play that’s worth watching. Some of us have even began singing our solos in front of everyone and we are all very committed to our roles. We only have a few more weeks before we perform it in front of the parents and we are certainly making progress. Once we finish rehearsals and perform the real thing we are sure that the audience will leave with a smile on their faces.

Lucy Haran, P7

SC: We are learning to investigate angles, and to discuss, describe and classify angles using appropriate mathematical vocabulary.
MTH 2-17a
S.C. I can recognise acute, obtuse, right and reflex angles.

This week in Maths we started to learn about angles. There were four angles we learned about. They were right angles, obtuse, acute and reflex. We had to figure out the angle of a shape using a piece of paper. Some people found it a bit hard, but it was quite fun. The teacher put examples on the board to help us and of course it really did help. I hope we will do more work on angles so some people will get what we’ve got to do and the whole class can enjoy maths.

LI: By considering the type of text I am creating, I am learning to select ideas and relevant information, organise these in an appropriate way for my purpose and use suitable vocabulary for my audience.
LIT 2-26a
SC: I can use features specific to a personal profile.

This week in Writing we wrote a Personal Profile for when the P7’s leave primary school. A personal profile is when you write down your interests, what you’re good at and how you feel about different subjects. The subjects we used this week were About me, Literacy (reading and writing) and Health and Wellbeing (e.g Healthy Family, Healthy Children). The skills we used were thinking, writing, vocabulary and spelling. The rest of our Personal Profile’s will get written next week and we will also start typing them up on the netbooks to send to our chosen high schools.

In Science this week we dicovered what our new topic is for science. It is the solar system! We had a little quiz to test our knowledge on the Solar System, without us learning anything first. I can’t wait for our topic to expand and to learn more about our very own solar system because it is so facinating.

Yasmine Hunter P7

2 thoughts on “P7 – Learning Logs”

  1. P7 is so fun! I want to spend a longer time in my class although I can’t wait for High School!

  2. Thanks for sharing a meaningful reflection on your learning this week. I look forward to reading your profiles. 🙂

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