Acting Head Teacher: Mrs McKenzie
Depute Head Teacher: Miss Burton
Principal Teacher: Mrs Ross
Nursery: Mrs Diamond; Mrs Murray
Primary 1a: Mrs Smith
Primary 2/1: Mrs Walker
Primary 3/2: Ms Brolls
Primary 3: Miss Clark
Primary 4a: Ms Richmond
Primary 4b: Miss Prior
Primary 5a: Mrs Stewart
Primary 5b: Miss Sherlow
Primary 6: Mr Renshaw
Primary 7/6: Miss Anderson
Primary 7: Miss Ross
Support for Learning: Mrs Kellner
Reduced Class Contact Cover: Mrs Redmond
Nursery Nurses: Mrs Findlay; Mrs Aikman
Pupil Support Workers: Mrs Brown; Mrs McCormack; Mrs Coombe; Mrs Findlay; Miss Robertson
Brass Instructor: Mr Traynor
Admin Staff: Mrs Bokhari; Mrs S Findlay
Business Support Manager: Mrs Deerness
Facilities Management Staff: Mr King; Mr Sommerville; Mr Hopper
We have a lot of teachers in our school and that’s an important thing because the more teachers we have the more we Learn. I like EVERY SINGLE ONE of the teachers in this school. The more you learn the more you become more smarter than you already are. If you are already smart then you can become more smarter by just learning.
A big thank you to the MCPS staff for everything. I think we are very lucky as pupils to have such amazing teachers in our school. 🙂 🙂