The Kirkhill Chatter

Kirkhill Nursery and Primary School, Rashierig, Broxburn, West Lothian, EH52 6AW

May 18, 2018
by Mrs McDonnell

DADs activity sessions

update sessions



*(Fathers, Grandads, Uncles or Male Significant Caregivers)

We will be running some activity sessions starting next week on Wednesday 23rd of May from 6-7 pm.

We hope you can bring your child/ children along and join in the fun.


May 12, 2018
by Miss Brown
1 Comment

Primary 1 update

It has been a short week this week, we hope everyone enjoyed the holidays. When we came in on Wednesday we found a special letter had been delivered from the friendly dragon.  So in writing primary 1 decided they wanted to write back to the dragon and tell it that Rose (baby dragon) had been on her best behaviour and that she had been on great adventures with them


We were also very sad as the letter from the dragon said Rose can now go home now as Fairyland has been restored.  After writing our replies we then packed them up in an envelope and went a walk to the local post box.   Primary 1 were very excited to see the local area.  

In Maths we started to look at time this week.  We found out about o’clock and half past.  We played a matching game and made our own clock faces.


We also joined primary 2/1 for some maths outside.  We had to find objects outside or use chalk to create a shape and then cut it in half or colour half.

We had the nursery over this week for our first transition afternoon.  We really enjoyed helping the nursery children.  We were introduced to our new topic of toys.  We all had great ideas of different toys (from a slinky to dolls).

On Friday we had a Kirkhill Chatter so all the children went to different classrooms and did an activity there.  Some were helping keep the school clean, some were learning about fairtrade and others were playing games outside.

The schools Celebrating Success Assembly is on Tuesday so we have been practicing the song we are singing.  We also were making our props this week.  We made suns using paint, paper plates, different coloured of paper and lollipop sticks.

In our homework jotters this week it mentions if the children can bring in summery clothes (for example shorts and t-shirt, sunglasses) in a bag so we can get changed and be dressed for summer for the assembly.  

May 4, 2018
by Miss Brown

Primary 1 update

This week Primary 1 have been looking at the fairytale ‘Cinderella’.  We made our own once upon a time… story this week.  Miss Brown was very impressed with the super ideas we were having. 

We learned new words in vibrant vocabulary this week.  Our book this week was ‘The Snail and the Whale’.  We really liked this book and discussed the hidden message of helping others and being kind. Our sophisticated words were enormous, frail, frolicked, hideous and shimmering.

We also were learning about writing a sentence and how they should look.   This meant always using finger spaces between words, a capital letter at the start and a full stop at the end.

In maths this week we looked at sharing numbers into two groups.  We tried to link this to our adding of doubles.  

We also learnt about halves and quarters by looking at different shapes. 

In PE, we continued to practicing the skills we need to compete in the sports day races and continued to understand winning and losing in team games. 

Also this week we have been learning our ‘Celebrating Success Assembly’ song.

Miss Brown hopes all the children have a lovely couple of days holiday.  Will see you all Wednesday.


April 30, 2018
by Mrs Shankland

Tuesday 1st May

The children who are not attending Broomlee this week are having the opportunity to take part in some alternative activities. They will be visiting The Range tomorrow afternoon and can come to school in school jumper and jogging/tracksuit bottoms and trainers if they wish.


April 30, 2018
by Mrs Shankland
1 Comment


Everyone has arrived safely at Broomlee and enjoyed lunch and activities. Mrs McCann is going to start up a new business – making up beds-23 at the last count!

We will continue to update you through Twitter regarding the activities and adventures over the next 3 days.


April 27, 2018
by Miss Brown

Primary 1 week update

This week Primary 1 have been looking at the fairytale ‘The Three Little Pigs’.  We watched the Disney version video clip of the story.  We were learning to write a fact file about either a pig or a wolf.  We listened to information and wrote what we found out on our fact file.  

We sequenced the story using pictures into the correct order.    

Our rhyme this week was Hickory Dickory Dock.  This meant we looked at the rhyme families ‘ock’ and ‘at’.  We tried to create our own rhyming words too.

We also were learning about what a letter/sound, word and sentence are which we enjoyed.  

In maths this week we looked at estimation.  We were estimating how many glass beads were in the glass.  We enjoyed this and we learnt that estimation is not getting the correct answer but making a sensible guess and getting close.  

We learnt to add number using Numicon but recognising each part of Numicon is coloured and trying to understand which colour represented which number.  

We also were learning to half shapes.  We learned to cut a shape in half and colour half a shape.

In PE, we were practicing the skills we need to compete in the sports day races.  We also were learning how to be fit and healthy. 

April 20, 2018
by Miss Brown

P1 update

Primary 1 have been learning the ‘ch’ sound.  We can’t up with a lot of words beginning with ch, church, chip and cheese.  We formed our ch sound on each other’s backs.

We have been learning about the difference of the sounds sh and ch make at the beginning and end of words.

In writing we are still learning to be imaginative. We used The Ugly Duckling as a stimulus.  Each child became the  ugly duckling and in their stories met different people on their journey.

This wee we had another Vibrant vocabulary.  It was the book Secret Agent Splat.   Our words were mysterious, thunk, exclaimed, shrugged and cunning.

In maths, we have been learning to Recognise numbers.  Also adding numbers together  using different techniques including screening one number and using concrete material.

Also we created a class pictograph of everyone birthdays in class.  We found out that November was the month which had the most birthdays.

In PE we are still learning how to play team games and work together.  We also played ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf’ to help out counting in different experiences.  

With Primary 2/1 we were counting and jumping in the outdoors.  We collected objects to a number and also jumped in tens usingbthe chalk on the playground.

In art we created lollipops and sweets for our gingerbread display.  They all looked delicious.

April 20, 2018
by User deactivated

P5 update

Primary 5 have had another busy week! We have been finishing our first draft of our Special Person and started the final draft with special handwriting pens. We also starting working on our novel study, Danny the Champion of the World’ and found out some tricky words, using dictionaries, from some of the chapters we have read as a class.

In Maths & Numeracy this week, we started learning about grid references and compass points. We also worked on our problem solving and mental maths skills also by taking part in games and small group challenges.

For our topic, Natural Disasters, we started creating and designing pictures to show one disasters using different media and materials. We will be making a display in class and next week we will be teaching the class about a natural disaster from the past whilst presenting a solo talks.

Have a great weekend!


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