The Kirkhill Chatter

Kirkhill Nursery and Primary School, Rashierig, Broxburn, West Lothian, EH52 6AW

October 25, 2018
by Mrs Hawkins

Primary 4/3 update

We have finished our Rainforest topic. Before the October break, the children created fantastic models of the rainforest in groups. Look at some of their lovely creations below!

We also used our measuring skills to make play-dough from scratch. We measured the flour and salt in grams using scales, and the water in jugs using milliliters. Then we got to play with it!

This week, we have started a new topic about recycling. The children collected all the rubbish they could from the playground and then sorted it into the correct bins. We have also been practising our written maths sums, our handwriting and reading skills, and running during PE!

We look forward to keeping busy next week, and will continue to let you know what we are doing!

October 4, 2018
by Mrs Hawkins

Primary 4/3 update

Here are some comments from the children about what we learned this week:

“Today we were learning about different animals – some in the rainforest and some jungle animals, like a jaguar.” – Lily

“We’ve been practising our handwriting – letters and numbers. We’ve also been practising learning to read scales and weighing stuff with scales.” – Chloe

“We learned that a jaguar’s spots are called rosettes because they look a bit like roses.” – Melissa

“In maths, we were using grids to add bigger numbers together, like 12 add 25.” – Grace

“In maths, we were using a place value grid to help us split numbers up into hundreds, tens, and units.” – Sebastian

“Splitting a number up into hundreds, tens, and units is called partitioning.” – Robert

“We got a new kindness tree. If someone is being nice, they can get a leaf on the tree.” – Alyssa

“We did PE and we played Jungles on Fire and Tree Tig.” – Lauren

“We were making plans for a story from a tiger picture. We wrote a beginning, middle, and end. In our writing jotters we added detail to make a real story.” – Calum

We look forward to learning more next week!

October 4, 2018
by Mrs McCann

Parent / Carer ethos survey

We would be extremely grateful if parents / carers could complete the short survey to gather your views. Please click on the link to access the survey.

September 27, 2018
by Mrs Hawkins

Primary 4/3 update

Our class has been busy this week. Here are the children’s comments about what we did:

“We learned about where rainforests are. We learned about where the countries are. We looked at maps.” ~Leah

“We learned how to use 1000 squares. We also wrote all the adjectives, nouns, and verbs from the book We’re Going on a Bear Hunt.” ~Robert

“We did maths with higher numbers.” ~Reiley

“We ran around the mugga for 10 minutes without stopping in PE.” ~Lily

“We looked at the book We’re Going on a Bear Hunt.” ~Melissa

“We wrote our own books based on We’re Going on  a Bear Hunt. We also got a new kindness tree in our classroom. We put leaves on it when people are nice to each other.” ~Chloe

“We were doing maths and we were using place value, and we were measuring. We also got new Dojo Monsters.” ~Jayden

“We learned how to put numbers in order from smallest to biggest in maths and we were doing some place value.” ~Grace

“In topic work we were using maps to help us learn about the earth.” ~Sebastian

“We made Christmas cards.” ~Natalie

“We used snowflakes to help us make our Christmas cards.” ~Lauren

We look forward to learning more next week!

September 10, 2018
by Mrs Hawkins

Primary 4/3 update

Here are some comments from the children about what we did last week:

“We learned about deforestation. If all the trees got cut down, then the animals could die. We were learning about what is positive and negative about cutting down trees. We also had two ultimate maths challenges. They were hard.” – Jayden

“We have been learning about how to play benchball in PE. We also went to Mr. Robertson and we were doing posters about inventions.” – Sebastian

“We are also learning to do basketball. We got new reading books.” – Chloe

“We went for a nature walk because we read The Lorax. We were looking for different types of trees. We also got our jobs in class. We also did the ultimate maths challenge.” – Robert

“We got homework. We learned about being safe around strangers.” – Lauren

“We were doing phonics. That is when we join letters together to make words.” – Lily

“We were learning how to throw basketballs and dribble basketballs in PE. We also wrote a review about Dr Seuss’s books.” – Grace

“We learned more about Dr Seuss’s books.” – Leah

“Grace and I brought the same Dr Seuss book in last week!” – Reiley

“We read about Truffula trees in The Lorax. Then we designed our own trees.” – Sam

We look forward to learning more this week!

September 3, 2018
by Mrs Hawkins

Primary 4/3 update

Here are some things we got up to last week in class:

“We read a book called My Many Coloured Days by Dr. Seuss.” – Sam

The class wrote their own version of My Many Coloured Days after reading the book.

“We did PE playing benchball. We did our reading groups with our first ever book this year.” – Lauren

“We made Who houses.” – Reiley

“We have been learning about Whos from Dr. Seuss. We coloured their houses in very bright colours. We  measured them.” – Amber

Below is a picture of the Who houses we measured:

“We did pictures of food and coloured them in after reading Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss. Our pictures were like Andy Warhol’s pictures.” – Grace

“With Mr. Robertson we were doing posters about the most important invention. I did electricity.” – Sebastian

“We measured our hands.” – Natalie

“We discovered things about animals around the world after reading If I Ran the Zoo by Dr. Seuss.” – Jayden

“We wrote a letter to Horton something we did that makes us feel tall.” – Calum

“We made sentences with words from Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss, and then found all the rhyming words.” – Lily

Dr. Seuss wrote Green Eggs and Ham after his publisher bet him $50 he couldn’t write a book using 50 words or less. The children got to use all 50 words to make their own sentences. Here are some pictures:

We look forward to learning more this week!

August 24, 2018
by Mrs McCann

Primary 4/3’s first week

Primary 4/3 have had a very busy first week. We have been looking at stories by Dr Seuss. We used the story of Horton Hears a Who to design our class charter and think about how we can all make a difference. We also made some ‘Who’ inspired music and as the Whos are very small we started to look at investigating and measuring length. We also used magnifying glasses to look at insects, bones and skulls in more detail.

After reading the Dr Seuess’ ABC we wrote our own stories for each letter of the alphabet using alliteration and made our own book which we shared with P1.

On Friday with Mrs McCann we read ‘If I Ran the Zoo’ and we wrote our own stories about what we would do if we ran the school! There great ideas like a puppy hugging class and pizza for lunch, though Mrs McCann wasn’t very happy with the ideas that all the teachers were fired!

One of the most important things we have done this week is make new friends! We are really looking forward to more learning next week.



June 29, 2018
by Miss Brown

Last week in Primary 1

Last week in Primary 1 and it has been an emotional one.  We have had fun celebrating our first year in Primary school.  We have been making slime this week which we were very excited about. 

We saw our buddies for the last time and decorated cupcakes with them. 

Also had a cinema time with munchies and a movie.  

However we continued to learn in Primary 1 by doing adding in maths and practicing our sounds.  Also made our own past toy, the ball and the cup.  

Today was the Golden Club event and we were all excited for the bouncy castles and ice cream.

Miss Brown would like to thank all of Primary 1 for a fantastic year of learning.  I will miss them all but will see them in school in Primary 2.  All the best I know you all will be fantastic next year.  

June 23, 2018
by Miss Brown

Primary 1 update

This week Primary 1  continued to learn about adjectives.  This week we talked about summer and described what we would like to do in the summer.  They had great ideas to sun bathing and water guns. 

We also had another Vibrant Vocabulary.  This week the book was ‘The Snorgh and the Sailor’.  Our words were harrumphed, webbed, extraordinary, clambered and bedraggled.  We were learning them while playing musical chairs.

Maths we were continuing to work on becoming confident at adding and subtracting numbers.  We learnt about number families.

 We also continue her to learn 3d shapes.  This week we had to sort which shapes were 2d and 3d.

In gym we continued to work on our balancing skills for gymnastics.  We learnt   jumping, balancing and forward and backwards rolls.  We also had the wall bars out which all the children enjoyed.  

As a whole school we had a potted sports afternoon.  The children loved all the sports.  

We had our buddies visit this week.  We did some activities in class and the went to play outside.  

We had the assembly for Eileen leaving.  We all were very sad and wish her all the best.


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