The Kirkhill Chatter

Kirkhill Nursery and Primary School, Rashierig, Broxburn, West Lothian, EH52 6AW

May 12, 2020
by Miss Brown

Primary 2/1 – 12.5.20 😁

Hello all,

I hope you had a good learning day yesterday.  Over the last 6 weeks of learning grids, is there anything you have enjoyed or not enjoyed?  What worked well?  You can let me know on your journal or as a comment.

Here is your learning grid for today.

p2-1 continuation of learning-early years 12.5.20

Here is the maths document and the spelling pictures.

12.5.20 spelling

Addingsubtract 12.5.docx

Photo Challenge  Photo a day challenge

Today’s challenge is a photo of something big.  I will post mine on tomorrow 🙂

Here is Miss Brown’s photo of outside a window:

Could everyone fill out this survey about school meals please on link below.

Link is

Have a great day.  I would love to hear from you on your journals.

Miss Brown 😁

May 11, 2020
by Mrs McDonnell

P3 Learning Activities

Good Morning,

I hope you all had a good weekend. Saturday was very sunny and warm, a great day to be in the garden or go out for a walk.

Today we are continuing to learn our Fry’s words. We are onto the 2nd 100.  It is really important to keep learning these, recognising them, being able to spell and write them down.

There is additional phonics practise for most of the class but crocodiles, you should really focus on today’s Fry’s words.

Today’s numeracy is focusing on Fractions. Watch the video, try some practical work at home and then attempt the games. You will need an adult to help you.

We are still learning about Time, so feel free to keep practising reading an analogue clock face.

Your challenge today is to think about growing some pea plants and preparing what you need. You will need to ask an adult to buy a packet of dried peas which usually go in soup. Or you can use any seeds you happen to have in the garden instead.

Materials- dried peas, kettle, bowl, cotton wool or tissue paper/ kitchen roll, plastic see through sandwich bag/ zip lock bag.

Step one- Pour  1/4 of your bag of dried peas into a bowl.

Step two- Cover the peas in boiling water (ask an adult to help you) and leave for at least two hours

(practise telling the time).

Step three- Drain the peas and leave to dry.

Step four-  Dampen your cotton wool or tissue paper and place it in your plastic bag. ( do not soak it).

Step five- Pick some peas (at least 6)  and pop them into your bag, onto the damp cotton wool or tissue paper.

Step six- Stick your plastic bag to a window and wait until your seeds begin to sprout.

Alternatively if using other seeds you can wet paper towel or kitchen roll, place some seeds onto it and put in front of a window.

Good luck and have fun

Learning Grid 22 11th May 2020

Mrs McDonnell

May 11, 2020
by Miss Duncan

Primary 1 – Monday 11th May

Good morning P1,

I hope you have had a great weekend! I had a very busy and sleepless weekend caring for little Kala! He is loving his new home but is still a wee bit scared of sleeping at night (parents: I am having a small insight into the world of parenting haha!).

He and I would love to see more of your work this week so please keep posting on your leanring journal and commenting on this blog, even a little hello would be great!

For this weeks learning, we are going to have a go at doing  a STEM (science, technology, engineering, maths) challenge every day if possible! Don’t worry if you want to take a few days to complete one challenge! I would like you to try your best! I am lookiong forward to seeing what you create!

I have allocated your weekly reading books – I would love to know how you are getting on with your reading, I am really missing hearing everyone read! Also, I would like everyone to complete the Sumdog Check-up! It contains 20 questions which are on topics we have covered since being at home and during school time! Please try you best, I just want to know how everyone is getting on 🙂

Enough from me just now, happy learning!

Miss D 🙂

day 1

May 11, 2020
by Mrs Clayton

P3/2 – Monday 11th May

Good morning everyone,

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.  Did you see all the different types of weather we had over the weekend?  Sunshine, wind, rain, hail and even snow at one point!  I wonder what this week will bring.

Here is your grid for today.  We are going to start our division work today and we will be learning about division for the next few weeks.  I have made a few short videos to remind you of the different words and ways to work out the sums and the link to the first one is on today’s grid.  I have also given everyone new reading books on active learn and a new grammar and maths game to have a try at.

Monday 11th May

Have a lovely day.

Mrs Clayton

May 11, 2020
by Miss Fleming

P2 11th May

Good morning P2!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend. We have been very lucky with the weather recently!

Here is your learning grid for today:

11th May grid (1)

Have a great day and remember I am here if you have any questions/problems or want to show me anything you’ve been doing!

Miss Fleming 🙂

May 11, 2020
by Miss Brown

Primary 2/1 – 11.5.20 – Alphabet ‘Ii’

Here is your alphabet task today.  Watch these video clips and practice remembering what the letter sound and the letter name is.

We are practicing ‘Ii’

  • the letter sound
  • the letter name    

Miss Brown 😁


May 11, 2020
by Miss Brown

Primary 2/1 – 11.5.20 😁

Good morning all,

I hope you had a lovely, safe weekend.

Here is your learning grid for today.

p2-1 continuation of learning-early years 11.5.20

Weather diary for weekly task – weatherDiary

Photo Challenge  Photo a day challenge

I had some lovely creative photos on Friday.  Today’s challenge is a photo of outside a window.  I will post mine on tomorrow 🙂

Here is Miss Brown’s photo of a vegetable, can anyone tell me what the vegetable is??:

Special message to Jodie.  From all of us in Primary 2/1 and Miss Brown – Happy Birthday!!  I hope you had a lovely day at the weekend.

Have a great day.  I would love to hear from you on your journals.

Miss Brown 😁

May 8, 2020
by Mrs McDonnell

P3 Learning Activities

Good Morning,

I hope you are all well and have enjoyed the learning activities this week?

Today I thought it would be good to revisit the Owl Trust to take a look at how our class adopted Owl Delyth is getting on. I have also added in a French song for you to learn which includes an owl and today’s construction challenge provides the opportunity to continue with our conservation work. Try your best with it but if you do not have any materials, then I still encourage you to participate by designing the challenge and draw it.

If you have not started the challenge on Sumdog, then please do so today and attempt some subtraction games to help you with your strategies before we move on to fractions next week.

We will continue to learn about time and this is a great topic to learn at home using any analogue clock face or digital display. Please keep practising with this over the weekend.

Have a great weekend

Kind Regards

Mrs McDonnell

Learning Grid 21 8th May

May 8, 2020
by Miss Duncan

Primary 1 – Friday 8th May

Hello everyone,

I have attached today#s learning gride below! I was very impressed when I read some of the horrible meal you guys created for Mr Twit! Well done for using super adjectives! I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

Miss D 🙂

day 3

P.s. Here is Kala! We are in love, he is so tiny! We have been in the garden this morning 🙂

May 8, 2020
by Mrs Clayton

P3/2 – Friday 8th May

Good morning P3/2,

It is Friday again, my goodness this week flew by!

Today is VE day and we have our last activity linked to it today.  There are lots of events happening today and being broadcast on TV and the internet if you want to find out more about it.   There are some fun ideas on West Lothian Council’s page here.

I have also noticed not many people have been logging on to Sumdog in the last few weeks.  Remember your username and password are written inside your jotter and if you are having any trouble finding them please email the school office and I can get it to you.  Don’t forget to log in to Active Learn to have a read of your book for this week as well.  Again if you are having any problems logging in please let me know and I can get your details to you.

I am off to update the Learning Journals now as I had some trouble getting in earlier in the week and I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

Friday 8th May

Mrs Clayton

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