The Kirkhill Chatter

Kirkhill Nursery and Primary School, Rashierig, Broxburn, West Lothian, EH52 6AW

May 19, 2020
by Miss Brown

Primary 2/1 – 19.5.20 😁

Good Morning,

I hope you are all well and you have enjoyed your Monday holiday.  Let me know what you were up to on you Monday holiday.

Here is your learning grid for today:

p2-1 continuation of learning-early years 19.5.20

Primary 1’s literacy activity.

ee sheet P1 – 19.5.20

It is the time of the year we would normally be doing a class talk.  Miss Duncan and i decided we would do a mini project instead.  Primary 2 will need to put a little more information. Here are the instructions, any questions just ask:

Mini Class project 19.5.20   🐾🐾

Milk and story today.  Thanks for the reminder Primary 2/1

📸Photo Challenge 📸Photo a day challenge

Today’s challenge is a photo of family.  I will post mine on tomorrow 🙂

Here is Miss Brown’s photo of something blue:

Have a great day.  I would love to hear from you on your journals.

Miss Brown 😁

May 15, 2020
by Miss Brown

Primary 2/1 – Miss Brown’s Day – Happy long weekend

Hi all,

I thought you would like to see what Miss Duncan and i got up to today in the Hub school.

We helped the children tie-dye sheets that they are going to make into capes, flags art and other things.   Miss Duncan and i really loved it so decided to do our own tie-dye. 😊

This was some of the children’s tie-dye.

Miss Duncan and i with our own tie-dye.  Miss Brown ❤️s pink. 👩🏻‍🤝‍👩🏼


I also went my daily walk today.  My dog Sammy had a gigantic stick and i thought you might like to see it. 🐶😄

Happy long weekend.  Speak to all of you on Tuesday. 🌞

Miss Brown 😄


May 15, 2020
by Mrs McDonnell

P3 Pupil hard at work

Thank you for your continued hard work. I really like your art pattern from last week, very abstract and colourful. I can see you have been hard at work and I really appreciate your efforts. Thanks for sending me your great pictures and keep up the great work. Stay safe and I hope you enjoy today’s activities.



May 15, 2020
by Mrs McDonnell

P3 Learning Activities

Good morning everyone,

It is another beautiful day as we head into our weekend.

We have finished our second 100 Fry’s words and are on to the 3rd Hundred. Well done and keep up the great work. Keep learning these tricky words as the more you can read, recognise and write them, then the better your literacy skills will develop.

Reading- I have asked you all to go on stories online to choose a story for today. Tigers- you can watch and listen to a story and then if you can continue reading Jungle Shorts please.

I have continued with Magic Grandad as I thought it might be good to take a look at toys from the past. Watch the video and then if you can interview your mum, dad, grans, grandpa or an older relative and ask them about their toys. What were they called?  What were they made of? What did they look like and what did they do?

Stay safe when interviewing by calling people who don’t live with you on the phone or by messaging or maybe you can Face Time or use Zoom?

I have changed our Daily Challenge to be about Toys. I hope you enjoy it.

Numeracy and Maths- We are continuing with our Fractions and Multiplication Challenge on Sumdog. If you have not completed it, please do it today.

We are also continuing to learn about Time and I have left the song on about 24 hour clock so you can take another look.

Learning Grid 15th May 2020

Have a great weekend and stay safe. Remember Monday is a holiday so I will post work for you again on Tuesday.

Miss you all

Mrs McDonnell


May 15, 2020
by Mrs Clayton

P3/2 – Friday 15th May

Good morning everyone,

We have reached the end of another week.  I don’t know about you but I felt as if this week flew by.

Below is today’s grid.  We are going to work on our handwriting, keep practicing division and I have given you a  puppet challenge today.

Friday 15th May

Don’t forget that Monday is a holiday so I will be setting your next grid on Tuesday.

Have a wonderful long weekend.

Mrs Clayton.

May 15, 2020
by Miss Fleming

P2 15th May

Good morning P2!

I hope you have all had a great week.

Here is your learning for today:

15th May Grid

Remember to treat yourself to some Golden Time today!

I’d love to see or hear how you have been getting on, remember you can show me pictures by either emailing them to the school office or uploading them onto Learning Journals.

Remember Monday is a holiday so I will post your next learning grid on Tuesday!

Have a lovely long weekend!

Miss Fleming 🙂

May 15, 2020
by Miss Duncan

Primary 1 – Friday 15th May

Hello everyone,

Hope everyone is having a great week! Below is this week’s last daily learning grid! Well done everyone for taking part in the STEM challenges this week, I was so happy to see everyone using different problem solving skills and having such enthusiasm and determination in the tasks! I was originally going to give you the final STEM task today for the week but I have been looking at different resources through the week and I think everyone would enjoy this.

So for the next few weeks the ‘other’ task on a Friday is going to be music! I have been looking at a website called ‘Music and Me’ and there’s some great fun activities to join in with. There will be a video posted every week with music tasks! I have watched this weeks one and thought it was great! I have linked the website below and also on the learning grid! I would like you to watch the video and see if you can take part! I can’t wait to hear how everyone gets on! There is also a parents and carers section on the page that goes into more detail about the project, the research and science behind it, links to video clips and further information about music and the role it has in learning.

Lastly, another well done to those who have finished the may check-ups for maths and spelling.I will extend these until sunday night to give a few others the chance to complete them! This would be a great help for me to see how everyone is getting on!

Hope you have a great weekend and remember it’s a Monday holiday nexy week so I will see everyone back next Tuesday 19th May!

Miss D 🙂

day 5 (2)

May 15, 2020
by Miss Brown

Primary 2/1 – 15.5.20 – Alphabet ‘Mm’

Remember these are to practice your letter names and sounds for tasks later when we finish the alphabet.  Keep practicing the letter name and sounds.

Here is your alphabet task today.  Watch these video clips and practice remembering what the letter sound and the letter name is.

We are practicing ‘Ll’

  • the letter sound
  • the letter name

Miss Brown 😁



May 15, 2020
by Miss Brown
1 Comment

Primary 2/1 – 15.5.20 😁

Hi all,

It is Friday.  On Monday it is a holiday again so i hope you enjoy a safe day having fun and i will speak to you all on Tuesday.

Here is your learning grid for today:

p2-1 continuation of learning-early years 15.5.20

I would love to hear about your weather diary for this week.

Photo Challenge Photo a day challenge

Today’s challenge is a photo of something blue.  I will post mine on tomorrow 🙂

Here is Miss Brown’s photos of something down low, it was tricky to find:

This one is Miss Brown working at a HUB school with Miss Duncan – we had a silent disco – the song was Cha Cha Slide by DJ Casper with the words ‘How low can you go?  Can you go down low?’.  Miss Brown danced low to the floor.

This was Miss Brown down low on her tummy taking a picture of the field she was in on her daily walk.  Sammy my dog decided to join in.

Have a great day.  I would love to hear from you on your journals.

Miss Brown 😁

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