Good Morning Primary 2/1,
I hope you had a fabulous weekend. It didn’t rain too much which was a good thing.
Here is your learning grid for today:
p2-1 continuation of learning-early years 8.6.20
P1 literacy – P1 m and n sounds 8.6.20
P2 Literacy – ow label (oa sound) 8.6.20
📸Photo Challenge 📸Photo a day challenge
This is Miss Brown’s last photo challenge. I have thoroughly enjoyed the photos and i hope you have enjoyed it too.
Here is Miss Brown’s photo of clouds.
Next week is a big surprise and something a little different. Miss Duncan and i have a planned this surprise for you for the whole week!😁 So to add to the surprise i thought you would enjoy an extra challenge every day this week to see if you can guess what your surprise is. I will give you 1 or 2 letters on each blog post this week! On Friday you will have all the letters that spell out two words- this will be what your surprise is next week! 😁 You will have to put the letters in the correct order to spell the my mystery words (move them around and rearrange).
Today’s letters are o and i.
Have a great day. I would love to hear from you on your journals.
Happy Birthday to Hope and Soha, who had her birthday over the weekend.
Miss Brown 😁