The Kirkhill Chatter

Kirkhill Nursery and Primary School, Rashierig, Broxburn, West Lothian, EH52 6AW

Our first full week in P4!

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This week, P4 have continued to work on their novel study of ‘The Legend of Spud Murphy’.  We used visualisation and freeze frames to help us think about techniques the author uses to make us laugh.  We all agreed that Marty sliding along the floor on his tummy like a crocodile and Spud skidding in silently on her slippers was very funny – but the unanimous favourite funniest part was Spud tricking Marty into stamping ‘I Love Barbie’ on his arm!  We made our own lifesize Spud, and created speech bubbles containing all the things we thought she might say (none of which were very nice!)  We also had fun designing our own gas-powered spud guns!

In indoor PE, we played a version of extreme dodgeball called Thunderball!  It was lots of fun, and we all listened carefully and stuck to the rules.  For outdoor PE, we had bootcamp!  Why don’t you ask us to show you a burpee?

We had a visit from a brain coach, Mr Turnbull, this week.  He spoke to us about how we feel when we become angry and taught us techniques to help us calm our thinking and emotions when we begin to feel anger building up.  We listened to a story about a boy named Ben Carson who had anger issues as a child, but grew up to be a world famous brain surgeon.  He left us with a little glitter jar, which will help us focus on the techniques shown.  Jessica very kindly went home and made more for us – thank you, Jessica!

We worked hard in writing this week, impressing Miss Thomson with our focus – well done, Primary 4!  We began by developing simple sentences into complex sentences, using a connective to add on extra information.  We then wrote our own creative stories, with a genre and theme of our own choosing.

Next week, class photos will be taken on Tuesday – so best hairstyles everyone!  We have a company visiting the school on Wednesday, called ‘Travelling by Tuba’. They will begin the day with a whole school performance, before holding workshops for the P3, P4/3 and P4 classes – who will then get to hold their own performance for the school.  Very exciting!

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