The Kirkhill Chatter

Kirkhill Nursery and Primary School, Rashierig, Broxburn, West Lothian, EH52 6AW

Primary 2 Update


Primary 2 is doing a super job with their  multiplication. We have continued our work on the 2, 5, and 10 times tables, using both concrete materials such as cubes, coins, and number lines, as well as written number work.

We have also continued writing poetry. This week, we tried using rhyming words in some space-themed poems, and the children did some lovely writing.

The whole school enjoyed a performance of taiko drumming this week. What a loud and exciting show it was!

We also had a go reciting our Scots poems, and I was very impressed with how well everyone did. I can tell you’ve all been working hard at home to learn the words. Well done, and thanks for all your support at home!

Just a wee reminder that next week we have two dress down days: Monday is dress down for our Rights Respecting Day, and Friday is dress down because it is the last Friday of the month.

Finally, please enjoy the attached photo of the children showing off their hand-made rocket ships, made from recycled materials. Have a lovely weekend!



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