The Kirkhill Chatter

Kirkhill Nursery and Primary School, Rashierig, Broxburn, West Lothian, EH52 6AW

Another busy week in P4


Well we are back into the routine of school and it has been another busy week in P4. Here are some reflections from our week.


In Literacy we learned about homophones.

“At first I thought it was a phone at home, but now I know what it means” – Cristian

“I thought it was a phone at your house at first but now I know it is 2 words that sound the same but mean different things like sea and see” – Lewis

“I liked the song about homophones and making up my own verse with Zach, Cristian and Jack” – Ryan

“I liked learning about homophones because I did not know what they were” – Maddison

“I liked making homophone. They were hard at start but got easier” – Jayden

“I liked doing the homophones work because it was fun” – Grace Sinclair

“I loved learning about homophones because it was interesting” – Holly

“In writing I liked using my imagination and writing about a phone of the future” – Alanna



In Numeracy we looked at multiplication and division.

“I liked learning about the link between multiplication and division because it was fun” – Jack

“Numeracy was fun for me” – Joshua

“I liked doing dividing sums” – Layla

“Dividing was good” – Robert

“I liked doing dividing. It was fun but hard at the same time” – Deryn

“Numeracy was fun. It was hard at the start but it got easier and I now understand the link” – Steven


In Learning across the Curriculum we looked at who invented the telephone.

“I liked learning about who invented the telephone” – Sarah

“I liked learning about the telephone because it was interesting and fun” –Grace Beckett

“I now know Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone” – Steven

“It was fun making our own telephones” – Callie

“It was exciting making a telephone and seeing how sound can travel” – Ryan


P4/5 show – Och aye the news!

“I am really excited for the show and I am glad I also auditioned.” – Kiera

“I liked the show songs because they are good songs” – Nico

“I am excited for the P4/5 show” – Oscar

“I am really excited for the show and I thought my singing audition was really fun” – Allie

“I liked designing the tickets for the show” – Grace Sinclair


Some people got into step 3, 4 or 5 of the Golden Club today. Well done to everyone!

“I am happy that I got into step 4 of the golden club today” – Jack

“I am excited that I am only 1 sticker away from the next step in my own chart” – Holly



Everyone is doing really well to learn their poem. Remember next Thursday everyone will be reciting their poem. Good luck to everyone!


Maddison set the class a weekly challenge to get at least 15 people putting a comment on the blog. Well done P4. Lots of you have been engaging with the blog. What a challenge to set the class Maddison. Who will be setting the next challenge?



Have a lovely weekend everyone!


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