Welcome back to a new year at St Joseph’s

Article 28- Every Child has got the right to an education -Our RRS committee have being thinking about how we can let other children obtain their rights. We are planning our Mary’s Meals backpack event later on this when the ladies from the church can come and help. This will help the children of Malawi achieve the thing the next to get an education

Internet Safety Week February 6th 2017

Articles of the Week

Article 13 – Every child has the right to say what they think and to receive information as long as it is within the law.

Article 17 – Every child has the right to reliable information from the media. This should be information that children can understand. Governments must help protect children from materials that could harm them.

We are holding a Safe Internet week at school , we will have a whole school assembly and we will have some lessons in our class to help us to find out how to stay Safe when we are unline

Week beginning the 30th January 2017

Article 24 – Every child has the right to the best possible health. Governments must work to provide good quality health care, clean water, nutritious food and a clean environment so that children can stay healthy. Richer countries must help poorer countries achieve this.

At our assembly two of our children spoke to us about Mitochondrial disease and how we can help children with this disease. We decided that we would hold a book and bake sale to help children with this disease. Date to be confirmed.

Week beginning the 23rd January 2017

Article 29 -Education  must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child’s respect for human rights, as well as respect for their parents, their our and other cultures and the environment.

This week each child in the school got the chance to perform  and celebrate their own Scottish culture as part of our Burns ‘ Celebration.


Pirates of the Curry Bean Auditions

We also started out auditions for the school show Pirates of the Curry Bean. All children got a chance to show off their talents by completing an audition. All parts to be announced soon!


Slippers for Shelter

Article 8 – Governments must respect every child’s right to a name, a nationality and family ties  (a home).

We all wore our slipper to school decorated with Christmas baubles and tinsel. We brought in £1 to raise money to help other children have shelter at Christmas. We raised £122 to help others.


Article 24 – Every child has the right to nutritious food the Malawi boxes help to raise £12 to feed a child in Malawi for a day.

Article 24 – Every child has the right to the best possible health – Our MacMillan coffee morning will help in the fight against cancer.

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We are delighted to say that Our MacMillan Coffee Morning and bake Off raised £906.07 for Cancer research. Well done to all of our helpers and those who baked for the coffee morning.



































































































































Sports Relief

P5/6 organised a day for relief. All of the children had to bring in 50p and take part in Sports activities organised by the p5/6 children. The children managed to raise £151.12 well done everyone.

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This week we have raised £111.50 on our ‘Day For Change 2016’. The money this year will go to help children affected by earthquakes in Nepal. We held an assembly and our RRS committee explained why we are raising money this year. All the children in the committee took part and told the school how the children in Nepal felt when the earhtquake knocked down their school and their houses.

EY and Primary_Assembly Day for change 2016

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Things have been very busy in the RRS committee . All classes have set up their Class Charters and found out about the rights of children around the world during the first two weeks of term. All classes have taken part in the ‘Send a Child to School’ project by making their own 3D world leader with a message attached.

St. Joseph’s have also been very involved in community life working with Mary’s Meals and church members. Our P6/7 have packed bags for the Mary’s Meals Backpack appeal to help children in Malawi. They are also collected money for Mary’s Meals and found out that it will cost £12.20 to feed one child in Malawi for a year so see below how we got on!

The choir have delivered a fantastic performance at the church fete and our local drop in centre for those in our community suffering from dementia.

Elise and Lucille Johnstone have also set up a Syria refugee appeal to pack boxes with donations of tinned and non perishable goods. See below.

We are a team at St. Joseph’s and constantly join forces with the Global Citizens , the Health and Well Being, the Fairtrade and Enterprise and the Media committees, so check out these pages to find out what other exciting initiatives are happening in the school.

We hope to get our Level 2 this year and would be delighted if any parents or guardians have any ideas for areas we can help other children achieve their rights.

December 2015

We collected the money in and counted it for Mary’s Meals and found out we had raised £260 which the goverment will double. So this means we raised £520. It costs £12.20 to feed one child for a year in Malawi.  We worked out that we can feed almost 46 children for a year so we are really happy.

Anna Drainey held a bakesale and raised £70 for Sciaf well done Anna.

Miss Hendson arraged for a toy drop box so families could donate extra toys for children in need in Scotland. We were very pleased with the number of toys donated our box was full in no time. So hopefully this will help  children to have the right to play this Christmas.

Our choir also put on a performance for the old folk in our community at the Linltithgow Care home, everyone had a great time!

All children in the school got a chance to develop their talents when we put on a whole school performance of teh Nativity. This was a fantastic success…wel done everyone.









November 2015

Our Gardening Gang have been very busy, tidying up the graden and looking after the bulbs they planted. We also set up our compost bin with the help of experts from our communitiy thanks for all your help!

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We also held a Poppy Scotland Appeal to help all those injured in wars around the world.

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October 2015

Elise and Lucille set up a collection for the Syrian refugees, everybody brought in non- perishables like toiletries and cans of food . Elise and Lucilles dad collected all our donations and took tehm to a charity in Boness. we really felt like we heped the children in Syria with their right to food.

Our new primary 1 families planted the p1 legacy tree, and other families helped to plant more fruit trees and to look after our existing trees on our Family Picnic day. This will hopefully provide lots of trees for future generations of children at St. Joseph’s to enjoy!

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Week beginning  28th September 2015

P6/7 have packed bags for Mary’s Meals, we also held a Harvest Assembly to distribute all of our fruit and veg to those in the community. We also tasted our produce. Hopefully this will help us to make healthy choices in the future.


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