Week Beginning the 27th November

This week’s big highlight must be our benchball festival. Everyone represented the school so well. We all tried our best and enjoyed ourselves. We scored lots of goals and won lots of matches too. Mr Brice is very proud of us. Our other highlights from this week include:

  • We conducted an experiment to see if ice would melt quicker if it was wrapped in a sock. Learning about insulation.
  • We made model Noah’s Arks and rewrote the story in our own words
  • We learnt some colours to create a French ‘Arc en ciel’.
  • In maths we have started to look at how to add with bridging.
  • We have been preparing for the Christmas Fair

Week beginning 20th November

This week it has been Road Safety Week and we therefore completed some work about it! In class our highlights from this week include:

  • We have created underwater ocean scenes out of cereal boxes and we look forward to putting them up on display.
  • P5 had there mass this week and we were awarded 5 minutes extra play for excellent behaviour.
  • We wrote about a trip on a submarine using lots of descriptive words
  • We have been making road safety ‘Park Smart’ posters for a whole school competition.
  • In Maths we have been adding two digit numbers using a number line, hundred squares and deans.

Week beginning the 20th of November

Primary 2 have been learning to write problems and draw pictures to show our understanding of addition.  We have been working on ‘Think Boards’ which brings together concrete, visual and abstract concepts of number.  We have been learning about the artist Piet Mondrian and have reflected on his work to produce our own artusing primary colours.



Week beginning 13th of November

This week primary 2 have been learning the ‘i-e’ sound.  We have been writing a description of our favourite toy using adjectives.  In maths we have been partitioning numbers within 100 and writing and making addition sums within 20.  We have been continuing with our nativity practice and learning our Christmas song to perform to the school community in December.

Week beginning the 13th November

This week it was a very special week because it was Mr Brice’s Birthday! In class our highlights from this week include:

  • We learnt more about Remembrance Day.
  • We’ve been learning the importance of saving water with GabiH2O. We made leaflets to tell people about them.
  • In Maths we have been adding on 11 and 9.
  • We’ve made bookmarks for the school library, soon we will be able to use them.
  • We had shiny Friday: Committees and Master classes.
  • We’ve started collecting books to sell at the Christmas Fair.

P7 – Week beginning the 13th November

We’ve been busy in P7 this week – Here are some of the things we found out about…

  • In Maths – We found out how to multiply a 3 digit number by a 2 digit number
  • In Writing – We created our own poppy Concrete poems
  • In Reading – We investigated ‘Cause and Effect’
  • In Art – We studied facial proportions to help us to create a pencil portrait of Hilter
  • In Science – We investigated why some objects float and why some sink!
  • We completed our solo talks on the Titanic

We are now finally ready to move onto our next topic WW2!


Gardening Gang Friday the 10th November 2017

As it’s Poppy Week, some of our Master Gardener pupils and some new members of gardening gang had a look at our tyre planter full of poppies and we talked about the real flowers which inspired the paper symbols. Some of the pupils then planted tulip bulbs in our tyre planters so we’re hoping for a beautiful display in spring! And the others helped plant some flag iris and marsh marigold in our new wetland patch – parents dug the planter out and lined it with plastic this week to make the area around our little pond a boggy spot which we will fill with wetland plants, learn about the importance of wetlands to the environment – and perhaps even attract some wetland wildlife come spring!

Gardening Gang Friday the 3rd November 2017

This week gardening gang adult helpers painted the raised veg beds and put coloured gravel in the shapes on the ground – with the new chippings down it’s all looking very smart, do have a walk past and have a look.

Last week we welcomed 11 new gardening gang members who, with three of our Master Gardener pupils, helped collect nasturium, sweet pea, marigold, cornflower and poppy seeds, some of which we will use in the garden next year and some of which we will sell. Adult helpers also put the end of chippings down in the infant playground which will hopefully make it a bit less muddy this winter.

Gardening Gang Week beginning the 6th October 2017

Apologies School Blog has been updated so here is all the news  we missed from the Gardening Gang. They have been very busy!

Gardening gang adults shifted 68 wheelbarrows full of wood chips on Friday morning! The chips were delivered – free of charge! – from The Skye Man Tree Services into the car park on Friday and we moved them to around the raised veg beds. The area looks so much better and will also hopefully stop the weeds from springing up and creating the jungle that appeared over the summer. The pirate ship also got a layer and maintenance of the cordons continued. We now have a Facebook messenger group for gardening gang – email me at vickers.judy@yahoo.co.uk if you’d like to be included and I’ll attempt to add you. Never any obligation to come. Gardening gang meets on a Friday morning, after the bell until around 10.30am.

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