Week beginning 9th of April

Welcome back! Primary 2 have had a great start to the term.  We have been drawing fruit and vegetable portraits in the style of the artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo.  We created a story map of the events of the story ‘What the Ladybird Heard’.  We have been measuring in non-standard units using our hand span and feet in the playground and classroom.

Info for Camp 2018

Here is the powerpoint with information about camp. I have also included a list of the activities the children will take part in during our week at camp. Please can you ensure all medication to be administered is delivered to school by Friday the 20th April together with the permission  form signed and dated . I will send this form with the pupils on Monday the 16th April.

P7 Abernethy Dumfries

St Joseph’s 23-27th April 2018

Week beginning the 9th April 2018

Welcome back to P7. We hope you had a great Easter!

This week

  • We looked at food in Japan and made our own sushi.
  • In Literacy we used the Foxtool to take notes, then we worked in groups to create our own newscript about an earthquake and tsunami in Japan. We are going to make a movie of our newsreport next week.
  • In Maths we found out how to calculate percentages using a calculator. We also investigated scale drawings.
  • In art we created  a ‘front cover’ for the Radio Times Harry and Meghan Wedding competition. We also looked at Japanese symbols and used Sumi brush strokes to create our own symbols.


P3 Week Beginning the 9th April

We hope everyone had a great Easter and didn’t eat too much chocolate. We are now raring to go in our last term of Primary 3. Our highlights of the week include:

  • We have entered a Radio Times Art competition. Designing a front cover for the Royal Wedding addition.
  • We wrote imaginative stories about taking part in the Commonwealth Games for the Young Writer of the Year competition.
  • In Maths we learnt about data handling. We sorted Commonwealth flags on Carroll Diagrams and Venn Diagrams.
  • We had a reward afternoon.
  • We learnt about the history of the Commonwealth Games and researched about some of the Scottish Athletes.
  • We have been learning about verbs

Week beginning the 19th March 2018

Welcome back to our class blog. Sorry we’ve been busy for the past couple of weeks!


  • had a visit from the Scottish parliament and found out how to become an MSP!
  • visited the Risk Factory and discovered all different kinds of risks we might experience and how to deal with the risks in the correct way.
  • wrote a story about Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes and  investigated the affect of the atomic bomb on the people of Hiroshima in Japan.
  • worked on percentages.
  • learned about land use and food in Japan especially the importance of the tea ceremony and created our own kimonos.
  • created our own poems on ‘What makes Linlithgow Beautiful’ for the Round table competition.
  • found out about the ‘Stations of the Cross’ and used collage to create our own station of the cross which is now on display at St. Micheal’s church.
  • created bonnets for our Easter Parade , home baking for the Easter Fayre and Easter treats for Sciaf!

It’s been a busy time and we are looking forward to our Easter Holidays.



P3 Week beginning 19th March

We have been preparing for the Easter Fair this week and have been doing some quite messy art making Easter Cards for our stall. Our highlights of the week include:

  • Learning about the Easter Story and writing about it.
  • Doing some orienteering and maths outside.
  • Taking part in the Burgh Beautiful Linlithgow competition
  • Learning about Easter in France and how their bells fly to Rome on Good Friday before returning filled with chocolate on Easter Sunday.

Week beginning 11th March 2018

We have been busy this week as we have had to prepare for our Mass all about St Joseph. Some of us had to do bidding prayers and we have had to practice the hyms. Our highlights of the week include:

  • Learning about the charity SCIAF for whom we raised money with our Fairtrade raffle
  • We wrote imaginative stories about Amazing Chocolate Bars inspired by our reading of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
  • In our work about Fairtrade we learnt about farmers who grow cocoa beans and ‘The Journey of Chocolate’.
  • In Maths we have been subtracting with 2 digit numbers without bridging
  • We learnt about the life of St Joseph and gave our work to father Paul to look at.
  • We were given our Heritage hero Certificates for our hard work during our Linlithgow topic.

Week beginning 5th of March

Primary 2 have been learning all about Fairtrade this week.  We have been learning about the journey of the banana and designing Fairtrade Fortnight posters which were displayed at the Fairtrade community event on Friday night at Linlithgow primary.  We worked in pairs to produce a story map of the story of ‘Whistleless’ a bird who lost its whistle.  We used talking tins to record our stories putting the events in the correct order.  We dressed up on Friday to celebrate ‘World Book Day’.

Week beginning 5th of March

Primary 2 have been learning all about Fairtrade this week.  We have been following the journey of the banana and designing Fairtrade Fortnight posters which were displayed at the Fairtrade community event on Friday night at Linlithgow primary.  We wrote a story map about ‘Whistleless’ the bird who lost its whistle.  We worked in pairs to talk about the story and retell the events in the correct order using talking tins to record the story.  We dressed up to celebrate ‘World Book Day’  on Friday.

P3 Week Beginning 12th March

Week beginning 5th March 2018

It’s good to be back in school after all the snow from last week. We have been continuing our learning about Fairtrade. Thanks to Rosa for bringing in cake on her birthday to share and Ellie for some scrummy homemade bread. This week’s highlights include:

  • We wrote Fairtrade Recipe’s and then made some Fairtrade Chocolate Cornflake Clusters on Wednesday
  • We have organised a Fairtrade raffle using some items given to us by Tesco on our trip last week
  • We have been continuing our work on subtraction in Maths
  • We are celebrating World Book Day today
  • We have been creating some artwork for Mother’s Day



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