P3 Week Beginning 23rd April

This we have been using the big playground for the first time while the Primary 7’s have been away. Our highlights of the week include:

  • We had Primary 2’s Mass
  • In maths we have been subtracting 2 digits with bridging
  • We have planted sunflowers some of which we will put into our Primary 3 planter
  • We made pledges about how we will behave in the playground
  • We are conducting an experiment to see how best to grow watercress
  • We wrote thank you letters to Brugh Beautiful Linlithgow for all the hard work they do to make our town pretty
  • We have been doing some joined up handwriting
  • On Monday we had an extra PE lesson with Miss Broadley

P7 Thursday Camp 2108

Today was our last day on camp. For breakfast we had bacon and potato cakes, juice and cereal .. we had sandwiches for lunch and we haven’t had dinner yet! We went canoeing, crate climbing and completed team problem solving initiatives. We are getting ready for the disco tonight! Here are some of today’s photos.


P7 Wednesday Camp 2018

Today we had bacon and sausages for breakfast, with cereals, toast and juice. Then we did the ‘Ropes Challenge’, ‘Tree Climb’ , ‘Abseiling and Orienteering’. For dinner we had Chicken Curry or Risotto, with fruit salad for pudding. We had a fantastic day! Here are our photos!


P7 Camp Tuesday 2018

Today was a great day! We had bacon, hash browns, cereal and orange juice for breakfast then we headed off for our first activity. The Blue Group had ‘Zip-wire’ and ‘Archery’ and the Purple Group went ‘Mountain Biking’. Then we had our lunch. After that the Blue Group did the ‘Challenge Course’ and the Purple Group did ‘Orienteering’ and ‘Abseiling’. For dinner we had either Beef Casserole or Tomato Pasta. For pudding we had Chocolate Brownie and Ice cream or just ice cream, It was delicious. Here are some of today’s photos we hope you like them.

First Day on Camp 2018

Hi everyone we travelled down to Barcaple in Dumfries our school camp. The journey took about 2 1/2 hrs and everyone had a great time on the bus. We found our dorms and settled in. We had lunch and then our first activity which was ‘Mountain Biking’ for the Blue Group and the ‘Challenge Course’ for the Purple Group. We are having a fantastic time so far. Here are some pictures of our day!

Gardening Gang

First gardening gang update in a while!
With the sun finally shining, we’re getting back out into the garden! P3 have entered a Burgh Beautiful competition and will be planting in the large tyre opposite their classroom against the fence so it would be really appreciated if children (and grown-ups!) would not sit/walk/climb on the tyre or the soil, or else the new plants will get all squished. P3 will be creating a wellbeing and wildlife garden and the children had some great ideas what sort of flowers to plant – we’ll be getting started with some seeds soon. As you can see from the pics, it has a notice on it and a sort of willow guard to discourage trampling!
We’ve also scattered wildflower seeds over the muddy bank behind the two Norway maples (along from the back of the Rose club) – we had a large box given to us from Burgh Beautiful and we added some more. Bit of an experiment but we’ll see how it works!

Week Beginning the 16th April 2018

Thank you for visiting our Primary 7 blog.

This week :

In Literacy –  We created our own piece of writing for the Young Writer competition. Lots of people chose to write a poem using Scots dialect. Katy Murray definitely had the best accent when reading the poems!

In Maths – me used our knowledge of scale to calculate distances on maps. We also investigated 12 and 24 hr time problems.

In Topic – We chose a Japanese recipe and wrote it out together with pictures.  We also investigated the history of green tea.

In Art – We completed our cherry blossom pencil shaded pictures and created a ‘Great Wave’ picture in the same style as the Japanese Artist Hokasai.

We are very excited about camp next week.


Week beginning 16th of April

This week we started our new topic.  We are learning all about seaside habitats and creatures living in rockpools through the Lighthouse keeper stories.  In literacy we are continuing to read and spell compound words, we have spotted lots through our new topic! We have using our technology skills to build lighthouses and boats with lego.  In maths we have been weighing in non-standard units. We made blossom tree pictures for our primary 2 mass to celebrate Spring.

P3 Week beginning 16th April 2018

We have begun our new topic about Living Things. Our highlights of the week include:

  • We have some new reading comprehension booklets
  • We have been looking at how to subtract with bridging
  • We have started a work learning the 4x table
  • We have started learning how to write joined up
  • We did some drama in RE performing the story of the Good Samaritan
  • We wrote stories about looking after animals and have been giving some talks about how to care for a pet
  • We have been learning about climates (Polar, Temperate, Arid and Tropical)

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